Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Twitter MicroBlogging

Tweets on twitter are usually just a sentence long reflection on a particular person's thought, which allows his/her followers to easy understand the thoughts that the person is going through at that point in time. Whereas bloggers who blog on blogger usually key in their reflections for a particular day and these reflections can be in paragraph form. So in comparison to twitter's one sentence tweets, blogger is where detailed reflection of a person can be found.

The article discusses some downsides to Twitter. Some of the issues are:

Twitter can also be a distraction for frequent and committed users. Dealing with this issue

Twitter can be a time eater.If you interact with the site through a cell phone, the SMS charges can accumulate rapidly, and the sheer number of updates
Therefore, dealing with this issue is that update your twitter account on an hourly basis. Updating every 5mins like most of my friends do, is really going to waste your precious time, which could be used for studying or enjoy the nature haha.

Future direction for Twitter
Facebook has become a place where users share considerable amounts of information, and the site offers a wide range of options for restricting how much and what kinds of information you see. Likewise, as Twitter grows, it will likely add more (and more detailed) filters to balance the amount of available content.

Twitter can provide a simple way for attendees at a conference to share thoughts about particular sessions and activities with others at the event and those unable to attend.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Dream Holiday!

My Dream Holiday is to ICELAND!

Why did you choose to go to your Dream Holiday destination

The Iceland culture and environment gives me the impression that it's a relax country to stay in. Blessed with beautiful sceneries, buildings and weather, Iceland is a country that most people, well at least for myself, dream to live in or at least visit. Since most Icelanders speak fluent English, there wouldn't be a language barrier.

Winter, spring, summer or fall – Iceland has it all


Second Life

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

In pic 1 & 2 based on the location in Iceland Road, Iceland, I was surprise to find an Indian/arabic Store (pic1) and a Chinese Ancient Structure (pic 2). This shows that people from countries such as these have migrated to Iceland and have also blend their culture in, along with the Iceland origin.

Which evaluation criteria did you used to evaluate the multimedia websites for your dream holiday? Why?

I have used the accuracy and currency evaluation criteria to evaluate the multimedia Iceland tourist board website.

Accuracy: Firstly, this website is run by the Iceland tourist board, which over sees the entire tourism industry in Iceland. The website also provided links to other websites, ranging from local tourist information to news from Iceland to travel related website, in relation to Iceland as well as to vegetation website about Iceland.

Currency: This website updates recent informations because of informations like the following screenshot.

Ciaos, high 5 for Iceland!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

2nd Life E learning.

You get to change your entire appearance! Which you can’t really dothat in real life. There are several make over services widely available, more than what I’ve known of in real life. One could literally get the perfect look they want, almost like a custom plastic surgery haha. The overall experience was average 5.5/10, largely due to the lag in 2nd life. There weren’t any one visiting the shop at that point of time me and my friends were there, so yup but conversing on 2nd life is radical. The good thing is spending on 2nd life ain’t gonna burn a hole in your pocket, but a spending spree like that in real life, that’s gonna hurt!
Below are some of the screenshots I took during my experience in “Avatar":


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I'm quite impressed by google’s search functions/features due to its creative and smart ways to search for information such as the “I’m Feeling lucky” feature, which allows me to try my luck to see if google was able to find the most relevent webpage for me.

"How do you feel about participation in discussion forum?": I feel quite comfortable because forum is where your opinions can be shared and discussed. "Is it helpful for your research?": In a way yes cause we do get insight information on more experienced people in the marketplace whom hvae either read/ have been exposed to such stuffs. "Do you feel anxious about talking to others you do not know?": Yes, since its a free sharing and discussion online environment where you don't even get to see the face of the opposite party.

We must do citation and bibliography to acknowledge the writers and give them credit. Another purpose of citations is to leave a trail of clues for interested readers that may stumble upon your research. In all it is to prevent the risk of plagiarism. [why is it necessary to do this, talk about this]

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

EIR Lab2

Hi, today I've chosen the topic on "discussing the impact of financial crisis on spending habits and consumer market".

Rather interesting topic. Given the recent lehman brothers incident and 1996 Asian financial crisis, I'm looking forward to doing a thorough research on financial crisis.

Some factors to keep in mind are: What are the causes of Financial crisis? What are the effects of Financial crisis. Solutions to the financial crisis. What Impact does it have on consumers and their spending habits. What are the consumers doing to pull through the Financial crisis.


EIR Lab 1 (Ice Breaker)

Hi my name is Nicholas Ho(Nick Ho),Business Information Technology (BIT) year 2.2

My Favourite past time activities are Soccer, Frisbee & Gym. My favorite artist has got to be Chris Daughtry.

The O.C on the other hand is my favourite TV drama.

Some of my Favourite hangouts: Church, Friends' house/Own house

My Favourite internet sites are such as Face book, G market, You tube, TP Timetable Search

I'm passionate about playing the guitar which I picked it up through self-learning. Most importantly, you must have the passion to play the guitar, everyone can play it, its easy to learn, but to play passionately, that's another thing.
Some links to find out more about playing up the guitar: