Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I'm quite impressed by google’s search functions/features due to its creative and smart ways to search for information such as the “I’m Feeling lucky” feature, which allows me to try my luck to see if google was able to find the most relevent webpage for me.

"How do you feel about participation in discussion forum?": I feel quite comfortable because forum is where your opinions can be shared and discussed. "Is it helpful for your research?": In a way yes cause we do get insight information on more experienced people in the marketplace whom hvae either read/ have been exposed to such stuffs. "Do you feel anxious about talking to others you do not know?": Yes, since its a free sharing and discussion online environment where you don't even get to see the face of the opposite party.

We must do citation and bibliography to acknowledge the writers and give them credit. Another purpose of citations is to leave a trail of clues for interested readers that may stumble upon your research. In all it is to prevent the risk of plagiarism. [why is it necessary to do this, talk about this]

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