Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Twitter MicroBlogging

Tweets on twitter are usually just a sentence long reflection on a particular person's thought, which allows his/her followers to easy understand the thoughts that the person is going through at that point in time. Whereas bloggers who blog on blogger usually key in their reflections for a particular day and these reflections can be in paragraph form. So in comparison to twitter's one sentence tweets, blogger is where detailed reflection of a person can be found.

The article discusses some downsides to Twitter. Some of the issues are:

Twitter can also be a distraction for frequent and committed users. Dealing with this issue

Twitter can be a time eater.If you interact with the site through a cell phone, the SMS charges can accumulate rapidly, and the sheer number of updates
Therefore, dealing with this issue is that update your twitter account on an hourly basis. Updating every 5mins like most of my friends do, is really going to waste your precious time, which could be used for studying or enjoy the nature haha.

Future direction for Twitter
Facebook has become a place where users share considerable amounts of information, and the site offers a wide range of options for restricting how much and what kinds of information you see. Likewise, as Twitter grows, it will likely add more (and more detailed) filters to balance the amount of available content.

Twitter can provide a simple way for attendees at a conference to share thoughts about particular sessions and activities with others at the event and those unable to attend.

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